AIRBUS has awarded ADVEEZ a contract to manage its fleet of 1000+ GSEs used in the Final Assembly Lines of its aircraft at Toulouse airport site…
Airbus challenge is to manage in real time its GSE fleet at Toulouse airport site.
ADVEEZ has been appointed by Airbus to manage its fleet of 1000+ GSE (Ground Support Equipment). The Final Assembly Lines (FAL) of its aircrafts use them at the Toulouse site.
The ADVEEZ FAMA (Fleet Asset Management for Airports) system allows Airbus to optimize its GSE fleet for its daily operations.
In addition to motorized vehicles tracking, the delivered solution is collecting data through low-powered wide area networks (LPWAN).
After the completion of a pilot phase as part of a tender process, ADVEEZ is proud to be the choice of the European aircraft manufacturer.
Indeed, ADVEEZ expertise in low-power wide area networks and embedded technologies have been critical during the selection for this large-scale project.
The roll out phase starts in September 2018 at the Toulouse site. Airbus is now part of ADVEEZ key customer circle which include: Aviapartner, Alyzia Groupe 3S in Europe, and Delta Airlines in the US.
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